
I am a social & fiscal conservative. I hate minorityism and I hate government playing the nanny state. I am of the Ayn Rand school of capitalism.

Government needs to be in the business of providing law and order, defense and monetary stability. Poverty can never be reduced by governmental subsidies. It can only be reduced by government ensuring that everyone gets equal opportunity i.e. they are not hindered if they want to improve their lives.

Unfortunately, in Indian politics, povertarinism has become a buzz work for all political parties. Narendra Modi has finally shown that he believes in lesser government, and more governance, but, even he will be forced to pay lip service to the poor. Overall, though, Narendra Modi is India’s only hope for better administration.

My other main concern is that in the name of protecting minorities, political parties and liberal media overplay the concerns of the minorities (whether Muslims in India or blacks in US) and underplay the concerns of the majority. The ghettoization of the minorities can rarely be blamed on the majority, it is to be blamed on the leaders of the minorities.

Finally, I am against secularism of the kind that is practiced in India and to some extent in the US. The appeasement of minorities is an undeniable fact and its justification by the politicians and liberal media is totally contrary to the long term betterment of the minorities. The worst part of this biased narrative is that the genuine interests of the majority are being marginalized, just so that it does not antagonize minorities.

On the topic of secularism, Mark Tully, the famous BBC correspondent in India summmarized it the best:

“The best way to destroy a people’s culture and identity is to undermine its religion and its language. We, the British, did that as India’s rulers and we continue to do that as part of the dominant culture of the world now. It is true that the British rulers of India were very cautious about Hinduism, especially after the Mutiny. Unlike some colonial powers, we did not attempt to convert India to Christianity. But we did create the impression that our religion was superior to Hinduism. As a child in Calcutta, I remember being told that Muslims were superior to Hindus because at least they did not worship idols.

At independence, India adopted the contemporary Western view that common sense dictates that religion be confined entirely to the personal domain and kept out of all public life – to put it at its kindest. What in fact the majority of people in the West have done is to consign religion to the rubbish bin.  ‘Modern’ Indians inevitably follow our example, and anyone who does not believe in keeping religion out of all forms of public life is regarded as ‘communal’ – that is to say, totally biased in favour of his own religious community. The elite’s so-called secularism inevitably degenerates into disrespect for religion.  But the vast majority of Indians, who do not enjoy the benefits of modernity, still believe that religion is one of the most – if not the most – important factors in their lives.” 

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